
Belief Triggers Part 3

Marshall Goldsmith | Methods of Behavioral Change

Cover the final 4 belief triggers and uncover ways to overcome them in order to become the leader that we want to be.


“Why don’t we become the person we want to be.Before I answer that question, I like to run through a brief scenario with you. Let’s pretend you’re on your way to work. You left, uh, you left a little later than you normally need to in order to make it on time. You’ve already been laid two times this month and you know what third time means you’re going to be out of the race for the next promotion that you’re currently the front runner for. You feel you deserve this promotion because you’ve been pouring your blood, sweat, and tears into your job. The scenario begins with you in the left lane. You’re stuck behind a driver going below the speed limit. You notice there’s an opening in the right lane coming up. Do you stay in your lane or switch lanes to pass the driver? You’ve gained a little time. You’re able to switch lanes, pass the slow driver, and actually start driving the speed limit. But just as you’re about to make it to the final stretch, the light turns yellow and you’re in an awkward spot where you might be able to stop if you slam your brakes or if you accelerate a little, you’ll make it through, but the light will turn red. What do you decide to do? In running the light you’ve gained a lot of time. You’re actually right on track to make it to work. However, lady luck seems to have turned on you. There’s an accident. Traffic has started to get backed up. This is going to take a significant chunk out of that lead you’ve built so far. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to be late. Do you wait it out or do you try to …”