
The Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence (ABC) Model

Marshall Goldsmith | Methods of Behavioral Change

By breaking down behaviors using the ABC model, we develop a more complete understanding of our behavior and how to change it.


“To simplify this process, please download and fill out the worksheet. You’re going to see three blanks. The first is a situation that occurred then how you reacted. And finally the consequence of that reaction when you’ve finished with the worksheet. Click continue. A typical model of behavioral change is quite simple. There is an antecedent, something that triggers, then there’s a behavior and there’s a consequence. Well, let’s talk about how you can use this ABC model to focus on changing your own behavior. I’m going to give you a great example from my class I teach at Dartmouth. In my class, I teach people to fight that urge to speak. When you’re angry, out of control, before you speak, stop and breathe and ask yourself, is it worth it? Pretty simple. There’s an antecedent, maybe a trigger, that leads to a behavior and…”