Leadership and Management Articles to Help You Become a Better Leader

The Power of Purpose: How Leaders Can Drive Success Through Mission-Driven Leadership

In an age where social media presences amplify companies’ visibility to the general public, organizations face mounting pressures to differentiate themselves while achieving sustainable success. Consumers and employees alike are increasingly scrutinizing companies and their [...]

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Redefining Leadership Development: Moving Beyond Traditional Training

One enduring cliche in the world of leadership is that it’s “lonely at the top.” While there is some truth to this sentiment, a more modern viewpoint is taking hold. Leaders are beginning to realize [...]

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Leadership in the Hybrid Era: Building Connection in a Disconnected World

In the age of working from home, the challenge of maintaining a cohesive and inclusive company culture is more complex than ever. Whether you’re an enterprise-sized organization or a small local business, the intricacies of [...]

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Mastering Leadership in the Gig Economy: A Comprehensive Guide

The gig economy has transformed the landscape of work, empowering countless professionals to become freelancers. The allure of this shift lies in the increased freedom and control it offers, allowing individuals to create their schedules [...]

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Leadership Challenges for Small to Medium Sized Businesses

Just like with large scale organizations, leadership is also a crucial aspect of running a successful small to medium-sized business (SMB). Unlike large corporations with extensive resources and hierarchies, SMB leaders often find themselves juggling [...]

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Leadership Burnout: Recognizing and Preventing It for a Stronger Team

In our fast-paced modern world, the demands of life often leave us feeling overwhelmed. Between work, family, and attempting to carve out some precious free time, it's no surprise that burnout is a familiar concept [...]

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Maximizing Leadership Influence: Strategies for Positive and Lasting Impact

Certain buzzwords like "leverage," "engagement," and "market share" are frequently used in the business world without a deep understanding of their true meaning. Today, we will focus on a crucial concept: influence, specifically in the [...]

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How AI Could Change Business

In the 2006 science fiction film I, Robot, based on the classic novel by Isaac Asimov, AI plays a major role in the story. The film is set in 2030, and it’s the sort of [...]

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Leadership Lessons From Bad Bosses in Movies: Emperor Palpatine (AKA “Darth Sidious”)

Movies and TV have given us no shortage of portraits of people we’d rather not encounter in real life — just think of all the nefarious villains and unscrupulous anti-heroes that have graced the screen. […]

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How to Begin a Training Initiative in the New Year, and Why It’s Important

Every time the new year rolls around, people all over the world make resolutions, plans, and goals that (they hope) will serve them well in the new year. Some are simple — like losing a [...]

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Leadership Lessons From Bad Bosses in Movies: Frank Shirley, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

Movies and TV have given us no shortage of portraits of people we’d rather not encounter in real life — just think of all the nefarious villains and unscrupulous anti-heroes that have graced the screen. [...]

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Leadership Lessons From Bad Bosses in Movies: Bill Lumbergh, Office Space

Movies and TV have given us no shortage of portraits of people we’d rather not encounter in real life — just think of all the nefarious villains and unscrupulous anti-heroes that have graced the screen. [...]

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Steps to Holding an Interactive Virtual Meeting

Zoom: It used to mean, “to move or travel quickly,” among other things, but now it refers to ubiquitous software with which we conduct a great majority of our business. As we’re all well aware, [...]

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The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve

If you were to be asked to recall the slope intercept formula, or the names of all the U.S. Presidents within the last 50 years, or even the phone numbers of your closest childhood friends, [...]

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What Are Soft Skills?

In recent years, it seems that more than almost any other new development in business management theory, “soft skills” has emerged as one of the most popular new trends in leadership. You hear it everywhere [...]

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The Difference Between Leadership and Management

As business professionals, we’re all very familiar with the terms “leadership” and “management.” We hear them thrown around all the time, and it seems like the last 10 years have brought about a huge influx [...]

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How Programs for Leadership Development Help Managers Grow

That was until recently. Thanks to innovations in video and internet technology, e-learning has become one of the most viable, and certainly the most sustainable, form of training and coaching out there.  Online programs save [...]

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How to Make Tough Decisions Faster Using Only Three Tactics

As a manager, leader, small business owner, or executive coach, your life is likely filled with decisions. Day in and day out you’re making them, and they range in size and importance from life-altering to [...]

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Three Things You Can Do To Be A Great Leader in 2022

In the past two years, there’s been no shortage of learning, both in the business world and beyond. Whether that’s how to run Zoom calls effectively, how to pivot to working from home, and how [...]

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Why Leadership Training is Important

How do businesses improve? The first step often involves training. As the great Marshall Goldsmith says, “what got you here won’t get you there.” While this may seem nebulous or “fluffy,” it’s underlined by a [...]

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Benefits of a Fun Workplace

Traditionally, the ideas of “work” and “play” have been separate notions — even opposite sides of the same coin. We’ve often heard that old proverb that "All work and no play makes Jack a dull [...]

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Erosion of Trust in Leaders

For over 20 years, the global communications firm Edelman has been studying trust amongst the public with regards to their institutions — companies and brands, governments, NGO’s, media — identifying trust as the key ingredient [...]

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Three Leadership and Management Training Challenges Companies Face and How to Solve Them

It’s no surprise that corporate leadership and management training have changed over the years, certainly after the 2020 pandemic began. Companies used to send their employees to various training conferences across the world or fly [...]

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Emergent Leadership Trends to Expect in 2022

Change is the only constant. Since the emergence of widespread corporatism and large-scale economics at the dawn of the 20th century, there have been numerous instances of change—both positive and negative—disruption, and uncertainty. For instance, [...]

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Improving Your Coaching Business

What do you think of when you hear the word “coach”? If you’re at all a fan of sports, you might think of your favorite red-faced, be-headsetted, parka-wearing screamer waving a stack of papers around [...]

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Avoiding the Pitfalls of Informal Leadership

If you think back to a time in school when, tasked with a group project, someone in your group ended up taking on the role of “leader” whether they were asked to or not. They [...]

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Improving Employee Experience with UX Principles

Modern companies, particularly those in the tech realm, often put an enormous amount of care into developing and realizing the full potential of their customer’s experience while using their product—also known as “user experience” or [...]

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Talent Retention

Unless you’re in the restaurant industry, counting the number of tables you serve in a shift, high turnover is typically not something you want to strive for in the workplace. In most organizations, the ideal [...]

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How to Manage Your Time as A Leader

Time management is an area in career and professional development where a small improvement can yield big gains for efficiency and success in the workplace. We constantly hear about the newest fad “productivity hacks” and [...]

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Professional Development Plans

When you hear the phrase “individual professional development plans,” what immediately comes to mind? Probably not anything too exciting. It’s likely you’ve heard the term droned on about at length in a seminar or annual [...]

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Why You Should Be Using a Project Management Software

If you’re old enough to remember the advent of email, you’ll recall that it shook the business world to its core. People struggled to adapt, and more than that—they rejected the change outright. The speed [...]

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Avoiding Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever felt that, despite your best efforts and purest intentions, you don’t truly deserve to be where you are? Or have what you have? Have you ever felt that, despite your particular successes [...]

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Why Most Leadership Training Initiatives Fail

According to research conducted on the success rates of leadership training initiatives companies around the world spend an average of $366 billion annually on leadership training and development—a staggering number, especially when considering that US [...]

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Building Resilience is the New Normal

At this point, you probably don’t need another blog or article telling you how “unprecedented” “these times” are. In fact, after almost a year and a half of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, we have [...]

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How Leaders Can Facilitate and Increase Team Collaboration

Throughout human history, it goes uncontested that the only way we, as a species, have achieved the level of socioeconomic, scientific, and technological advancement that we have is due to collaboration. The ability of humans [...]

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How Can Leaders Care for Their Teams’ Mental Health During a Time of Crisis?

In the past, mental health was a very taboo subject everywhere—in the home, in schools, and especially in the “professional” workplace. The common misconception was that, if someone is experiencing mental health issues, they must [...]

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Interview with Hortense le Gentil

Hortense Le Gentil is a highly sought after executive coach and thought leader who’s worked with large corporations and businesses to help them better align their intentions and goals with their actions. Her most critical [...]

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Remote Teams: A Leader’s Guide to Building the New Normal

There’s been no shortage of articles, videos, e-conferences, all telling us the same thing: these are unprecedented times, and we’re doing our best to adjust to the changes. No one is certain what the exact [...]

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Dr. Raj Raghunathan on Finding Happiness During A Crisis

Dr. Raj Raghunathan is one of the world’s leading experts on happiness in the workplace, and his infectious spirit makes that no surprise. He’s spent his career understanding the science behind happiness and how it [...]

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The State Of Women’s Leadership Today

Sally Helgesen has been identified in Forbes as the world’s foremost expert on women’s leadership. Her latest book How Women Rise, co-authored with Marshall Goldsmith,became an international bestseller in 2018. Her experience in women’s leadership [...]

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Chester Elton and Adrian Gostick on Team Engagement During a Crisis

Chester Elton and Adrian Gostick are co-founders of The Culture Works, an organization focused on helping businesses solve their employee engagement and culture problems. They have also co-authored a number of New York Times best-selling [...]

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Project Management with Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez

Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez is the world’s leading expert in Project Management and Strategy Implementation. He is an acclaimed thought leader, author, practitioner, and professor. By viewing the world with a project-centric mindset, Antonio is able to [...]

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Qualities of a Great Marketing Leader

What makes a great marketing leader? The answer for this question has changed over the years. The future of modern leadership is moving away from hard technical skills to soft, transferable skills. Now, more than [...]

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Project Management in Times of Crisis

Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez is the world’s leading expert in Project Management and Strategy Implementation. He is an acclaimed thought leader, author, practitioner, and professor. By viewing the world with a project-centric mindset, Antonio is able to [...]

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Fear is Not the Best Motivator

Based on Leading with Gratitude by Chester Elton and Adrian Gostick   Effective organizations cannot thrive on fear. This is a simple idea that is embraced by the most successful leaders and managers and undermined [...]

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Small Data in Consumer Research

“If you want to study animals, don't go to the zoo, go to the Amazon.” This encapsulates Martin Lindstrom’s philosophy on conducting consumer research. Martin Lindstrom is a Time magazine Influential 100 Honoree and the [...]

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How to Develop Emotional Courage

The Importance of Emotional Courage If you’re willing to feel everything, you can do anything. Emotional courage, the willingness to feel uncomfortable emotions and feelings, is key to being productive and feeling fulfilled in both [...]

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