Certain buzzwords like “leverage,” “engagement,” and “market share” are frequently used in the business world without a deep understanding of their true meaning. Today, we will focus on a crucial concept: influence, specifically in the context of leadership. The ability to motivate, encourage, and energize your team lies at the heart of effective leadership influence. It’s important to recognize that as a leader, your influence extends to every employee, emphasizing the need to optimize and ensure its positive impact.

As the leader of your organization, you occupy the position of the masthead, representing the entire company at the front bow of the ship. Consequently, it is essential to embody your company’s values accurately and project a positive image. Within your organization, you exist in a fishbowl, where every move you make is observed. While it’s natural to make mistakes as a human, it is crucial to rectify them promptly and minimize their occurrence.

Now, let’s explore strategies that can help leaders establish and sustain influence:

  1. Establish credibility: Credibility is the foundation of influence. Steven Covey, the author of “The Speed of Trust,” identifies four key elements to establish credibility: integrity, intent, capability, and results. Demonstrating integrity through actions, effectively communicating intent, showcasing capability in your work, and delivering results will enhance your credibility as a leader.
  2. Build connections with your team: Leadership is not a solitary endeavor. Building strong connections with each team member is vital to maximize your influence. When employees sense that you genuinely care about them as individuals, they reciprocate that care towards you and the company. Seeking input on decisions and involving team members from the early stages fosters a sense of ownership. Avoiding detachment or acting superior to your team members is crucial to ensuring your influence resonates with them.
  3. Set clear expectations: Clear expectations are essential for your team to meet them effectively. Whether it’s expectations regarding specific tasks or goals or aligning with the company’s mission and values, providing clarity enhances your image as a competent leader. Additionally, clear expectations enable others to confidently follow your guidance, strengthening your influence.
  4. Embody passion: Just as observing passionate athletes inspires others to imitate their dedication, your genuine enthusiasm for your company’s mission can be contagious. Demonstrating passion ignites motivation and engagement within your team, creating a collective drive towards shared goals. By embodying your company’s values and inspiring others through your passion, you amplify your influence and inspire exceptional performance. Conversely, lacking passion for your own company and its mission makes it challenging to energize and motivate employees, leading to disengagement.
  5. Embrace influence from others: Influence should flow in both directions. Never underestimate where valuable insights may come from. By actively listening to your employees, valuing their input, and acknowledging their expertise, you create an environment that fosters collaboration, innovation, and growth. This reciprocity strengthens the bond between you and your team and empowers them to contribute effectively to the company’s success. Remember, great ideas can come from unexpected sources within your organization.

Undoubtedly, influence is a crucial aspect of effective leadership. While subject knowledge, confidence, and charisma are also important, ultimately, your ability to inspire followership determines your influence as a leader. If you possess significant influence, you are likely aware of it. However, if you feel your influence is lacking, it’s important to recognize what you may be missing.

Fortunately, influence can be developed and enhanced with the right guidance. Methods of 100 Coaches offers comprehensive on-demand e-learning courses that cover a wide range of topics, including productivity and executive leadership. These courses provide a simple path for leadership development, enabling you to cultivate and maximize your influence.

As a leader, your influence extends far beyond your own actions and decisions. It permeates every level of the organization, shaping the attitudes, behaviors, and performance of your team members. By following these key strategies, you can maximize your influence and ensure that it remains positive and impactful.

In conclusion, influence as a leader is a multifaceted concept that requires deliberate cultivation. By establishing credibility, building connections, setting clear expectations, exuding passion, and embracing the influence of others, you can maximize your impact and create a positive leadership experience for your team. Continuously refining your leadership skills and strategies will further strengthen your influence, enabling you to effectively motivate, encourage, and energize your team.

For more guidance on how to leverage your influence in the workplace, check out our vast library of leadership and management training courses at methodsof.com/courses


https://training.hr.ufl.edu/resources/LeadershipToolkit/job_aids/LeadingbyInfluence.pdf https://www.lollydaskal.com/leadership/how-to-dramatically-increase-your-influence-as-a-leader/  https://holdsworthcenter.org/blog/building-positive-habits-makes-leaders-stronger/?gclid=CjwKCAjwg-GjBhBnEiwAMUvNW1rlruxCHnuLveZFMrlehJF9SPp6au8wXSZOUiFOypZ-UWJHHA7wmBoCRZ0QAvD_BwE  https://www.lollydaskal.com/leadership/how-to-dramatically-increase-your-influence-as-a-leader/  https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2021/04/29/how-to-gain-more-influence-within-a-niche-12-effective-methods/?sh=704c29a72c8a   https://www.betterup.com/blog/building-influence