Martin Lindstrom


Benefits of Martin Lindstrom’s Courses

  • Learn to see things through the consumer’s eyes
  • Understanding Small Data and how to use it
  • Revitalize your brand
  • Connect better with your people
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As a successful author and branding coach, Martin Lindstrom has helped some of the world’s foremost brands and organizations create lasting, meaningful impact for their consumers through his focus on consumer psychology, marketing, and neuroscientific research. Born in Denmark, Lindstrom’s career began at age 11 when he was offered a job by Lego’s R&D department after a scandalous and lawyered attempt to build a mini-Lego theme park in his own backyard. He is the author of several books, including Brand SenseBuyology, and Small Data, all of which have received widespread critical acclaim by publications such as TIME Magazine and The Wall Street Journal

Martin is best known for his wholly unconventional approach of using “small data”—or, the subconscious element of human psychology—to facilitate big impacts. Today, Martin is the founder and chairman of Lindstrom Group, a leading brand and culture transformation group that operates in over 30 countries. His charisma and magnetism have given him international rockstar status amongst those who’ve worked with him, and his effervescent persona enlightens everyone he interacts with.

Martin Lindstrom Methods Courses

Consumer Driven Innovation

Acclaimed brand and culture transformation specialist Martin Lindstrom illuminates how consumer driven innovation can radically affect a brand’s business outcomes. Throughout the course, Lindstrom educates on small data, perception, rationality, and empathy, and shows us how seeing the world through the consumer’s eyes is the key to success.


Collective Session with Martin

Martin answers some of the most asked leadership questions, providing you with one-of-a kind insights into what it takes to be successful in today’s world. Develop your own leadership skills as you make your way through this personal session.

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